Bob Bordone
Bob Bordone
Law professor at Harvard Law School. Founder of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program. Conflict resolution trainer, coach, and consultant. Facilitator, author, editor, and political junkie.


Now, more than ever, we need leaders with critical conflict resilience skills -- the ability to listen deeply, to assert authentically, and to see conflict well-managed as a way to foster creativity, inclusion, and dynamism.

I work with individuals and institutions to cultivate both the sensibility and the capacity to harness differences, engage challenging conversations, promote creativity, and foster mutual gain.


Pre-order New Book

Coming March 2025. Scan QR code or click above to order.


 Let’s Connect…

As a senior fellow at Harvard Law School & as a former Harvard Law School Professor, Founder and former Director of the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program, I have a unique skillset as a conflict resolution trainer, coach, and consultant.


Speaking & Keynotes

Relevant, compelling, interactive, and entertaining keynotes on all topics related to negotiation, conflict resilience, challenging conversations, and conflict resilience. Perfect for large and small retreats or conferences corporate, governmental, or educational institutions

Mediation, Facilitation & Consensus Building

Mediation, facilitation, and consensus building services for clients across a wide range of contexts. I work closely with parties to help them arrive outcomes that meet their interests, are durable, create mutual gain, & improve relationships.

Coaching & Consulting

One-on-one or group coaching and consulting with organizational leaders, helping them manage difficult conversations, improve their communication style, and problem-solve around their most challenging interpersonal, team, & strategy challenges.


Tailored and highly interactive workshops in negotiation, conflict-management, conflict resilience, leadership, and related skills for clients across all sectors and at all organizational levels. Programs are based on those offered by me and other faculty at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School.